By Haywood Hunter

Many people are increasingly turning to use of self tanners because they have proved to be safer than burning the skin in sun. Previously, people who have basked on sun aiming to tan their body have experienced serious health complications. A sunless tanning lotion can offer the tint you want on skin without causing damages.

You can eliminate ultraviolet rays out of the beauty equation and opt for those soothing self tanning lotions. However, for you to attain impressive results from the lotions, you need to apply them correctly. You have probably seen or heard of cases where bad self tanning has resulted to orangey hands, streaks, and dark creases. These are problems that can arise when you do not observe the tan procedures properly.

The good thing about these problems is that they can be avoided by preparing the skin before you put the tan. The first step you would want to do is choose a self tanner that is suitable for your skin. Different people have different skin sensitivities. Some lotions may react with sensitive skin.

Check on the ingredients to ensure they are gentle and mild to skin. Considering that there are so many tanner lotions you can get in the market, it may be challenging to choose the right one that works perfectly for your skin. These products are made using different formulations. The specific ingredients are what determine the applications of a tan.

For the fine hair on your arms and legs, you may not need to shave it unless you want to do so. The chest is more likely for have thick hair which can interfere with tan application and this is one area you may want to shave properly. In addition to shaving, you also need to exfoliate the skin.

Exfoliation also helps remove that debris. At times, the hard skin such as the hands and elbows may need to be moisturized. Use of moisturizers is not recommended when you are tanning but since the rough and dry sections can impair absorption of tan, you can consider moisturizing only those parts. Dry your body completely before you use a tan to make sure that the lotion is not diluted.

If you fail to do so, you may end up with unimpressive results such as a patchy look rather than a pretty tan finish. Although the uppermost layer of your skin will eventually slough off within some days, when you scrub and exfoliate it, you expose a fresh layer of skin which will remain around for longer. Some areas of your skin may be too dry to absorb the lotions. Parts of skin like the hands may need to be moisturized using a moisturizer.

The instant formulations are quite tricky to apply since they stain your skin immediately you apply. They may leave some streaks when not applied properly. In applying tan lotions, you need to prepare your skin for the products. You cannot apply a tanner without first removing the debris and other substances on skin. By cleaning your body, you remove all the wastes released through the skin pores and ensure the surface is ready to absorb the ingredients.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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