By Haywood Hunter

People with pale skins all are forever searching for that elusive perfect golden look. But with the knowledge that tanning under the sun will give rise to painful burns or even cancer, many are wary of doing this. A better, faster and more effective way of browning the skin is now available in a bottle in the form of the sun soak self tanner. Sun soak self tanner is a safe alternative and the result is as good as the real thing.

Baking or sun basking can lead to extremely adverse ill effects. The most common is a sun-burn which presents with an extremely painful, reddened and inflamed skin. There are several lotions and creams available to deal with sunburn. These are either purchased over the counter or require a prescription from a doctor. Scarring may or may not occur. Majority of cases end up with splotchy skin for life. This can be avoided by using sun soak self tanner.

Dehydration is a real threat with sun bathing. People forget the drying effects of the sun and so do not adequately hydrate when they are outside tanning. Symptoms include extreme thirst, fatigue, weakness, headache and maybe even fainting spells. For people with chronic and other preexisting conditions, dehydration can worsen these situations even further. Mild dehydration is treated with oral re-hydration salts (ORS) but if severe, intravenous fluids are given to restore electrolyte balance. This threat is absent whilst utilizing sun soak self tanner.

Time is money, or so some people say. Basking in the sun until one acquires that bronzed look takes a lot of time. It may mean spending several hours daily under the hot sun for several days till its darkening effects are seen. Even then, the tan may not be a gorgeous brown as one would want it to be. Get a stunning tan in little time with sun soak self tanner.

When out in the open, bikinis for women and pants for men have to be worn. Since the sun will only tan the exposed areas, parts covered by the clothing will remain pale and contrast strongly with the rest of the body. People snidely called this pale area the bikini line. Sun soak self tanner tans evenly without leaving any pale areas on the body.

The sun emits Ultra Violet light rays which are harmful to people. Long and frequent exposure can lead to destruction and mutation of cells. This causes the emergence of different types of cancer, depending on which cells have undergone radical changes. Since the use of sun soak self tanner does not entail exposure to the sun rays, this threat is minimized.

Some sun soak self tanner products give rise to a tan gradually over a few days. This may be beneficial to those who do not want to drastically change their looks from being pale one day to being dark the following day. The fast acting tanners give rise to a tan rapidly, some in as little as two hours. They are a great option for people on the rush or for a special event.

With all the disadvantages of sunbathing outlined above, it is only prudent that people use the sun soak self tanner. It have been proved that sun soak self tanner is safe, fast and easy to use. The end result after application of sun soak self tanner is also as good, if not better than sun basking.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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