By Andrew Watson

Osteoporosis is a disease wherein the bones of the sufferer end up thin and weak. This is exactly the reason why its primary complication is having fractures. It's a good thing that this serious and debilitating matter can be prevented rather easily. In order to keep it from showing up some time in the future, experts highly suggest weight loss Los Altos CA local residents should opt for.

Everyone knows that losing unnecessary body kilos is a highly effective way to drive away numerous heart-related problems. It's also something that can effectively lower one's odds of suffering from type 2 diabetes. Not too many people know that attaining a slimmer figure can in fact keep at bay so many other problems, and one of those is osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that may develop as a result of hormonal imbalance due to being obese or overweight. According to scientists, excess fat cells in the body are actually capable of manufacturing their own hormones. This can easily upset hormonal balance within, which is something that can cause so many problems to strike sooner or later.

Osteoporosis is just one of the various problems that may show up as a result of having improper balance of hormones inside. This disease is regarded as something that's very serious because it can dramatically increase a person's fracture risk. Individuals with osteoporosis tend to wind up having hip fractures, and they can only be treated by means of pricey and risky surgery.

Osteoporosis can affect anyone, health professionals confirm. Women, however, are likelier to wind up battling the dreaded bone disease. Primarily, it can be blamed on the fact that the bones of women are generally smaller and also thinner. It's because of this exactly why they are more prone to suffer from osteoporosis than men.

There is also the reason that women are bound to encounter menopause one way or the other. Such is characterized by a dramatic drop in the levels of estrogen in the body. According to scientists, there are so many tasks carried out by the said hormone, and one of those is keeping the bones strong. It goes without saying that menopause can cause bone thinning and weakening, thus considerably increasing a woman's osteoporosis risk.

Definitely, attaining and maintaining a slimmer body can help fend off the bone disease. There are also other ways to keep it at bay. For instance, one must regularly consume foods that are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D. Both nutrients are necessitated by the bones for them to remain strong.

Exercising on a regular basis is essential. Studies say that the best exercise routines for fending off osteoporosis are weight-bearing ones, the kinds that force the body to work against gravity. Some very good examples are brisk walking, jogging, hiking, bicycling, playing tennis and climbing stairs. Definitely, cigarette smoking should be avoided at all costs and alcoholic drinks should be consumed in moderate amounts only.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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