By Roger Russell

Agriculture is a source of revenue for many economies, and hence, governments will highly invest in this sector. In cases where land has to be reclaimed, and the rainfall is not enough for farming, irrigation support will be needed. You may be interested in knowing the role a government plays in such a project. The following are some of the roles.

If enough awareness is not created about how such projects work, the people that will be involved are likely to make a lot of mistakes that will either affect the quantity of the yields or the quality. To avoid such situations, the state ensures that the farmers undergo enough training before they can start cultivating. Seminars, meeting, and individual visits are organized by agricultural extension officers to ensure that everyone is knowledgeable.

The farmers also get to enjoy free or subsided supplies for their farms. Some people may be discouraged from investing in agriculture due to the cost of supplies like seedlings, fertilizers, and insecticides. When the government chips in some money to their projects, they get to pay less and some of the supplies may be offered at no charge. This makes the activity economical.

The market for farm produce is a challenge that has been experienced in the field for a long period of time. Even with subsidies for the activity, the farmers may still feel exploited if all the profits will be enjoyed by the middlemen. The government can help them by creating collections centers where one can take his produce. The payment should be good too.

The projects will not take place when there is no water supply. The team involved in planning must look for the water sources and channel it to the farms. They will also be responsible for ensuring that the water is well managed to enable efficiency. This way, the resource will also be abundant throughout the year; hence, the farming will be continuous.

The technical stuff will be needed during various stages of the project. When people have to look for professionals, they may get discouraged by the quotations presented by the services they need. The government helps by ensuring that the technicians are within the reach of the farmers. Since they are paid to offer the services, they will not charge a high amount, and this is a great relief to those involved.

The extension officers and other officials involved in the project are expected to make a follow up on the activities of the farmers. One successful harvest does not mean that the project has fully met all the set objectives. There is need to find out if there are tips that can be applied to make things even better. Any challenges reported should also be noted down and proper advice given.

Research facilities are also part of these projects. For everything to run smoothly and the best results to be achieved, the right methods, seedlings, and types of crops must be grown. This is decided by experts after they have conducted enough research concerning the soil, climate, and resources available in the area. The government hence provides enough resources for quality research to be conducted.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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