By Donald Cox

The kitchen is where you will find food that can provide the body with nourishment. It's also a place where there are many things that can be used for dealing with an assortment of skin related matters. The following are some really simple yet highly effective natural beauty treatments Fairfield NJ women may try at any given time or day.

Unflavored yogurt for a glowing complexion. Dead skin cells constantly form on top of one another. Eventually, it can make your complexion look dull and lifeless. One very easy way to bring back a glowing complexion is by smoothing plain yogurt on your skin two times per week. Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes prior to rinsing it off with cold water.

Dry up acne and pimples with apple cider vinegar. There is never a shortage of creams and soaps for acne and pimples. However, a lot of them are not easy on the pocket and also the skin due to the chemicals in them. If you want to treat your acne and pimples in a more natural approach, give apple cider vinegar a try. Using a cotton swab, apply it on problem spots and then rinse off after 10 minutes.

Erase wrinkles and fine lines using lemon juice. Proper synthesis of collagen requires vitamin C, which is something that is present in lemon juice. This is why the sour liquid is regarded as an all natural anti aging agent. All you have to do is combine equal parts of water and lemon juice, and then gently massage on those wrinkles and fine lines. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes before washing your face with water. For dramatic results, do this morning and night.

Coconut oil for skin dryness and flaking. One very important beauty regiment that every woman should have is keeping the skin moisturized. A super effective moisturizing agent that can be found in the kitchen is coconut oil. Before you hit the hay, apply a very thin layer of it on your face and start chasing some dreams.

Green tea for reducing facial oils. If you love consuming green tea daily, you have quick access to an effective remedy for oily skin. Stash a freshly brewed cup of green tea in the fridge to give it time to chill. Later on, apply on the face with a cotton ball. Let 15 to 20 minutes to pass and then rinse off with cold water.

Shrink humongous pores with an egg white. Worry not if you rarely post close up photos online due to your gigantic pores. You can get rid of those simply by lightly beating an egg white. Wash your face, pat dry and then apply egg white all over generously. Allow it to dry completely for up to half an hour. Once dry and taut, peel it off carefully and then splash cold water on your face a few times.

Tomato juice for erasing scars. Because it is mildly acidic, tomato juice can be used for making unsightly scars less visible. It has vitamin C, too, that promotes scar tissue repair. Up to two times per day, apply tomato juice on your scars. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse it off with water very well.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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