By Haywood Hunter

Contact with dangerous UV light was considered, the only viable option for one to be able to obtain a golden brown tan. Thankfully however, cosmetic companies rose to the challenge and as a result manufactured sunless tanning lotions. Although for many individuals, especially when wanting a darker tan; the only available option for them is Dark Sunsation Very Dark, which gives a deep rich tan that looks completely natural.

Dark Sunsation Very Dark, not only achieves this impossible feat, but is additionally made entirely of natural ingredients. Dark Sunsation Very Dark uses a specially designed DHA which they derive from sugar based formulations; all combined with moisturizing plant oils. In most self tanners, this active DHA ingredient is chemically based; this is not so with this unique botanical tinted lotion.

Characteristically, Dark Sunsation Very Dark comes in a rich chocolate color and does not have that normal pungent odor that one usually finds in these specific products. Normally this smell is what clues every one in to the fact that one has been tanned using fake tan. Furthermore, Dark Sunsation Very Dark is packaged in a bottle with a pump action lid, thus avoiding any undue spillage or mess.

Due to their unique design, Dark Sunsation Very Dark products are also suited for every type of skin, even hyper sensitive skins. This in turn means that usually these people have to be happy with their pale skin as a result of this hyper sensitivity issue; now they have the chance to take advantage of this range of natural tanning items. The Dark Sunsation Very Dark products offered includes body scrubs, tanning foams, gels and creams, maintaining lotions and numerous other items that assist in application of the products.

People that utilize Dark Sunsation Very Dark products will be able to easily obtain a smooth even tan; as they can instantly see where they are applying this tinted lotion onto their skin. Even first time tanners will get a even result as streaks can be wiped away immediately. Commonly streaky or patchy results put many people off trying to use fake tanning products.

Similarly, so is ending up with a strange orange glow. With Dark Sunsation Very Dark however, this will not happen as it is comprised of gray and red undertones. These are both equally suited to darker olive tones and pale skin tones.

Most people think that achieving the required depth when looking to get the darkest tan is not achievable in one application. But with Dark Sunsation Very Dark a single application is all one needs. Plus this rapid drying lotion fully sets in three short hours.

Dark Sunsation Very Dark gives users the ability to see results early on and they can thus choose to remove excess product any time to reduce the intensity of the tanning process. Advisably though one should wait an hour before doing so. Dark Sunsation Very Dark is a perfect natural sun kissed look that every one will easily and safely be able to achieve.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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