By Brenda Moore

History back in the BC eras was an amazing thing. Reading about them seemed like a matter of fiction. The development of the civilization of mankind was in itself always an interesting read. Geographical differences made up for different cultures and humans were eventually able to grow into a species that became exceedingly territorial. Wars were a matter of obtaining land and power from one empire to another.

Wars are prevalent in the ancient world since fighting for territory is one way to know who has always been more powerful. Mankind has always had the tendency of greed for power. This too has been documented in so many ancient literary works. One of the greatest wars fought was the Greek Persian Wars. All of it starting with the Persians invading Ionia, a state in Greece.

The battle between Persia and Greece was no less than epic. The Persians started conquering Greek City States when Anatolia, one of the places they tried to conquer rebelled and tried to fight back. The Greeks were defeated and their revolt did not succeed. The act itself though, was able to launch Athens and Eretria to send their own fleet.

One notable thing about Persia as a military force is how they focus more on numbers. This does not mean they necessarily won those battles. During an encounter in Plataea Greece had to face Persia and only suffered 192 losses over the 6,400 from the larger army.

10 years later, the Persians returned to avenge their momentary defeat and were lead by Xerxes. This time their forces was much larger. You can guess that they believed in the strength in numbers than in actual strategy. This part of the war is very notable since there was blockbuster hit made for this part of history.

The Greeks from Sparta revolved around a military based culture which became huge advantage to their success as a nation during this war. Their methods were very next level and they have been trained in combat since they were small boys. Quality in this case trumps quantity.

The fight lasted for about three days at a place near the see while Persia tried to spring a surprise attack at the Greek fleet. Greek was well informed and attacked the main fleet instead. Luckily for Greece, their soldiers were already at the port when a bad storm strike. Persia lost a squadron from the same storm.

After a battle that happened for two days in Thermopylae the Persians were on the losing end. Greece was about to win the war but a traitor tried to turn the tables around. This traitor suggested that the Persian army go behind the route the Spartans were going to take. General Leonidas from Sparta was wise enough to let the army go back home to safety after the battle in Thermopylae, leaving only a few to fight the surprise attack.

Northern Greeks joined Xerxes army marched south after their fleet attacked the Greek navy. They then proceeded to burn Athens at around September. Thankfully, the city was evacuated on time. During this time, there was still a battle going on in the Strait of Salamis. A strategy was devised by a Themistocles that lured the opponent army into the Strait. Persia lost since their opponent had better strategy and eventually retreating to Asia leaving many of their soldiers behind.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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