By John Perry

Mostly used for casual affairs, and as history has it, those that involved cocktail servings, it is a fashion code that is altogether sociable as is business like. In addition to this cocktail dresses Atlanta, a special chapeau may be adopted, just to tell off ones fashion prowess. As it is, the outwear got its name from its high fondness with cocktails.

This outwear has evolved with time, from the old ankle length dress to a more contemporary above the knee length. According to Christian Dior, the designer who came up with the name in early 1940s it was meant for early evening occasions.

Accessories incorporated as ensembles to the dressing code, would require to maintain a smart threshold all the same while upholding a chic look. For an even more beauteous look, a womanly color that is not too dull should be considered. An alternative unofficial dress code for the same easy going events, would be silky pants with a pajama style.

The outwear was brought to life after the First World War, by a culture that was meant to attract people to restaurants at a time period between 4pm and 6pm. The cocktail hour. A culture that brought up the woman who would enjoy drinks, and the mix of company; the drinking woman. Up until the 1950s, it was adorned with gloves that had an elbow length. An etiquette that was highly upheld. Gloves were only to be worn by the host while the hostess was forbidden to do so. Additionally, hats were not supposed to be sported indoors.

The outwear recognition reached its heights after the little black dress designed by Chanel attained favorable outcomes in the market. And with such success came cocktail related commercials that sold fabrics, magazines and clothing lines. An immediate result was an increased consumer demand for the product. Finding a gap between gowns and dresses associated with tea in the afternoon, it was well positioned in the market.

Adding to its finesse, luxurious inputs as satin and silk were mainly used to produce the product. And with that came the fashionable and important people who made it their uniform. Till date, it still undergoes improvements from designers as Carolina, Versace and many others. Hosiery, which can also be sported alongside the dress, would require a black or bare color for the best results.

Furthermore raised-heel shoes should be considered while sporting the dressing code. Plasticity of the dress can also be attained through the manipulation of available accessories. However for most, finances can prove a barrier to owning one of these. Still with technology almost any problem is solvable. Online shops create a platform where both products and their value can be compared. This makes it easier to find affordable dresses. Plus, with numerous do it you self-sites, one can tailor an own dress.

Definitively, it is one with a robust history, and an undying fashionableness. A good looking production that has gone through various faces in time and with each phase becoming better and more sophisticated.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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