By Douglas Fox

Stepping into college life is exciting. This would bring about increased levels of independence and it is at this point that most people get a taste of adulthood for the first time. Unfortunately, you will also be vulnerable to certain infections and viruses thanks to the nature of your living quarters and even the questionable eating habits. If you need to find the best walkin clinic Big Rapids MI is an excellent place to begin your research.

A considerable percentage of college freshmen will visit a walk-in clinic because of meningitis. This is a disease that affects the membranes around the spinal cord and brain, making them swell. In return, patients suffer from frequent headaches, neck stiffness and fevers. Meningitis is often caused by a virus, although you can also contract the disease if you get in contact with the meningococcal bacteria.

It pays to understand that a decent number of diseases that affect college freshmen can be prevented. For instance, you can get vaccinated against meningitis. Simply consult with your primary doctor and get to know about the various other immunization shots that you can have before you go for your join campus.

HPV or Human Papillomavirus is commonly found in people below 24 years of age who are sexually active. The virus has several strains that can cause cervical cancer or genital warts. According to research, about four in every five adults contract HPV at some point in time. Again, vaccination can help prevent this disease and it is also common sense that you should uphold safe sex practices.

Students share numerous common spaces including the canteens, dormitories, classrooms and lecture halls. In other words, there is always a great chance of the flu virus spreading like wild fire. Even though the illness is not life threatening, it causes major discomfort and you may not be able to attend your classes for at least one week. Make a point of frequently washing your hands with antiseptic soap and also get your flu shot.

Strep throat bacterial infections are also common. No vaccination is available, though infected students can get antibiotics prescribed. Strep throat is transmitted through saliva and an infected person can easily spread the infection if he or she coughs or sneezes while standing close to you. In case you get infected, you can ease the aches by adequate warm liquids.

Athletes foot is a common fungal infection that makes the area between the toes to get itchy. A concern that is allowed to get blown out of proportion can also cause blisters and ulcers. Simply allowing your feet adequate time to air out can help reduce the risk of athletes foot. You must also make a point of using the right footwear when visiting public pools or taking showers.

Walk-in clinics can provide urgent medical services for non-emergency illnesses. A reliable doctor will diagnose your ailment, provide dependable treatment and also offer you reliable preventative care. You can benefit from same-day treatment, without having to book an appointment in advance. Take the time to do some sleuthing around for you to find the finest practitioners within your area.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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