By Scott White

Irrigation is something that will remain stable for all the years to come. Unlike the other trappings of human civilization, this one seems to be the latest in catching up. Well, of course, you get innovated drainage channels and culverts, but automation seems a little slow in coming. That is about to change, though, with Computer Irrigation.

This one is also alternatively called irrigation informatics, and it is just what it sounds like. It involves the discipline of irrigation, and it modernly uses data systems and information technology. It also has to do with data management and information science and technology, all through the use of computer systems. That can be an incongruous arrangement by itself because it seems that irrigation and computers dont go together. Thats no longer the case, of course.

It can be subsumed under many headings. It may be the operation by itself or else a discipline and academic field. This kind of informatics, as you may guess, is quite a newfangled field. It has multiple, crisscrossing branches as well. It deals with a lot of data and information that are greatly and remotely related to agriculture. It manages these snippets of information while at it.

All in all, it involves automating the whole shebang. It aims to zoom down on the minute details of the operation of the system. There are many components in this system, from the drips to the sprinkles to the surface components, and all these have to be perfectly coordinated. That can be made possible with the help of sensors, timers, and other relevant mechanical and electrical appliances. In this way, the whole operation may be made more efficient.

The need for high tech components is on the rise day after day. That applies not just to the usual drips, pumps, and sprinklers, but the whole parts and parcels of the systems. Although the corporeal products are not here per se, the principles are already pretty much set out. These are high technology, in a sense that no manual intervention is involved, which is always a welcome thing.

Why, you may ask, is this application even relevant. After all, in the greater scheme of things, it may be perceived as something thats not really at anyones high priority risk. Well, so is space exploration, and yet many hundreds of billions of dollars are shelled out for it year after year. Of course, we are not being cynics here, since we realize that both are actually important.

There are many considerations one should take into account, such as costs. Of course, costs are variable and theyre all really down on the system that is applied. They may be dirt cheap or else killingly expensive. Research by itself involves a cumulative cost, so building blocks have to be considered as well. Likewise, theres the operation and maintenance. After all, you know the deal with technology. They depreciate and break, so whats new.

That is backed up by statistical inquiries. After all, its said that irrigation accounts for about thirty six percent of the worlds food production. Now, thats not exactly a scanty number, is it. The thing is, various factors also synonymously come to play. As it is, for it, you need sustainable agriculture, and for that, you need arable land. This is something that does not easily come on by, so you see where many potential problems lie. It is a kind of concurrence for authority figures when they say that irrigation can be considered somewhat as a mature field. It is also stable, needless to say. Meaning that it can just as well survive even with the onslaught of change and technology. That is because this endeavor is irreplaceable. You probably know all about that hullaballoo surrounding GMOs.

The catchwords in here are efficiency, optimization, maximization, and just about any work positive characteristic you can think of. With the extension of work to the wee hours of the night, then loss by evaporation is totally done away with. Processes are greatly streamlined, being made to start and stop at the exact split second required, sprucing up results and making the most of energy requirements. Can it really get better than that.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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