By Ann Burns

When menopause hits, you can expect to encounter a lot of unusual and unfavorable physical as well as psychological changes. One of those that may definitely leave you frustrated is unnecessary weight gain. Aside from your figure, the presence of excess kilos can also damage your overall health. Worry not because gaining of weight due to menopause can be prevented, and one of the steps that may be taken is getting replacement of hormones Plano TX doctors are providing.

When it comes to weight gain as a result of menopause, various things are at play. One of those is the dramatic slowing down of the metabolism. No matter the age, so many women have a hard time slimming down because of a sluggish metabolic rate. According to health authorities, the older a woman gets the slower her metabolism runs.

Menopause usually happens when women are in their 40s or 50s, and it can be expected for their metabolism to no longer run as quickly as before. As a result of such, it's not unlikely for some unwanted pounds to register on the scale. Especially if having poor eating habits is paired with not getting enough exercise, it's very much possible for a woman to gain weight unnecessarily because of her age.

Things can get uglier as a result of hormonal imbalance that accompanies menopause. A decline in the hormones estrogen as well as testosterone can contribute to the slowing down of one's metabolic rate. Such also encourages fat tissue to collect around the waist. It's not unlikely for some menopausal women to be what's referred to as skinny fat. Health experts confirm that there are various dangers associated with the presence of unwanted fat in the belly region. Some of them include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

Another reason why hormonal imbalance can lead to unnecessary gaining of pounds is the fact that it can cause a decrease in muscle mass. So in other words, a woman can lose muscles that provide not only definition but also strength. Fitness experts confirm that muscles burn a lot of calories, and that's why losing a lot of them can cause unused calories to be converted by the body into fat.

Depression, which is quite common among menopausal women, is a role player that has nothing to do with your metabolism. Whenever you feel down, you may have a hard time staying away from foods that can cause you to gain excess kilos. Naturally, a diet that's teeming with sugar as well as fat can lead to gaining of weight most especially during menopause.

Fret not because maintaining your figure is possible despite of being in menopausal stage. However, you need to be fully dedicated and disciplined. For instance, daily you should carefully mind what you eat. It's also a must for you to exercise not less than 5 times a week, fitness professionals say.

Doctors recommend having the hormones replaced in order to fend off those excess pounds. By reestablishing normal hormone levels, the various reasons for weight gain during menopause can be countered. Also, the treatment is proven to help deal with so many other symptoms associated with menopause.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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