By Carolyn Carter

Concussions arise from a hit on the skull or strain that affects neural tissues as a result of excessive force. This could be from a hit on the head directly or indirectly. Concussion recovery steps taken will depend on the extent of injury or hit. In fact, it should be directed by medical experts because it can cause more problems when not addressed in the right way and on time.

Symptoms that will be observed include mild to severe headache that is also persistent, memory loss, problems with concentration and vertigo or dizziness. The patient will also be too sensitive to light, nose or even both. It is common to be irritable and experience mood swings. Blurred vision is also a common occurrence with other people feeling nauseated or vomiting. Some people will also be drowsy, fatigued and lose balance, among other symptoms.

Some symptoms will not be present when the accident occurs. It might take 7 to 10 days before you fully recover. You should also note that it is not all patients who lose consciousness. The speed and rate of recovery will depend on your health, the amount of hit you took and the measures you take towards recovery. There is post-concussion syndrome that sees a repetition of symptoms and lasts for a while.

Switch off electronics or significantly reduce screen time. Headaches are made worse by light coming from such screens as phones, televisions and laptops, among other screens. This is because the impact such light has on your brains. This light is also blamed for lost sleep. In case you cannot switch off the lights, it is recommended that you alter the settings.

Limit your movements by staying calm. Remember that it is these sudden movements that cause the problem in the first place. Keep the neck, head and spinal cord as still as possible to give the muscles and tissues time to heal. This means that you cannot take on the roller coaster or engage in excessive physical activities.

Take a lot of water and liquids. There is scientific evidence that dehydration makes concussions worse. It is therefore considered a good idea to remain hydrated. It also ensures that muscles and body tissues remain supple so that they do not cause pain. Water is also good for your overall health. It will therefore be even better when the body is healing. You should take the right amount of water to keep your body properly hydrated.

Take a lot of protein and in different varieties. There are cognition symptoms that are associated with concussions. There is scientific evidence that branch-chain amino acids that are found in proteins help to improve brain function. To speed up recovery, it is therefore advisable to take a lot of proteins. Fish, nuts, beans and meat are great source of amino acids and proteins in general. You need all the food possible for brain growth.

Experts advise patients to take a lot of rest or delay resumption of normal activities. Omega 3 also ranks among the beneficial elements for brain regeneration. Take sufficient amounts of antioxidants and other supplements that may be recommended by your doctor. You need patience to help the body achieve full recovery. There are numerous health problems that are associated with poorly handled concussions. Avoid them by consulting your health experts on the best approach.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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