By Donna Sanders

If you are interested in auctions but you are not familiar with the process, the first thing you need to understand is the various kinds of markets available. This will allow you to plan and achieve your goals, irrespective of whether you want to sell or buy property. Some of the things commonly sold in Phoenix AZ auctions include vehicles, land, developed estates and used mechanical equipment just to mention a few.

Traditional or offline auctions are a broad topic that involves four kinds of sales. The similarity shared between these sales is that face to face interactions are inevitable. On the auction date, an auctioneer who talks quickly stands in front and yells the different items up for sale. Numbered paddles are used by the participants to bid on items they want to buy.

In traditional auctions, it is hard for participants to get confused. After all, most items on sale are in front of the room and everyone has a good idea of what he or she is going to spend money on. For you to have an all rounded understanding of auctions, here are the various kinds of offline sales.

Public auction sales involve the selling of property that is government owned. You could also get items that are being sold under the authority of other government bodies such as the courts. Among the things commonly sold in public auctions stales include abandoned property and land that is owned by the government.

You can also get police auction sales. They involve the selling of items that have been confiscated by the police while on duty. Normally, the items on sale cannot be lawfully returned to their original owners. During police auction sales, one can get not only firearms, but also outdated equipment such as the vehicles of retired police that are currently replaced with more up-to-date models.

Government surplus and apprehended item sales are not so different from police auction sales. In this case, property seized during investigations and cannot be given back to the owners lawfully is sold. Properties that belong to persons who have failed to settle federal income taxes are also put up for grabs. You can find all sorts of items including vehicles and computers.

Estate sales are also commonly referred to as tag sales. They offer the fastest and most effective method of liquidating the belongings of individuals or estate owners. In this case, you can get a range of valuable personal items that have been downsized because of foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce or even the death of their owners. If you would want to sell or buy valuable developed property or land, you should mainly focus on estate auctions.

Auctions are highly preferred by people from all walks of life because the selling and buying process is quick and fair. There are rules that govern both participants and sellers and these rules ensure transparency and fairness. If you are the highest bidder, you get to walk home with the merchandise, irrespective of your personal relationships, affiliations or social status. Sellers also get to gather returns that are equitable to the authentic value of their possessions.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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