By David Taylor

It is wonderful to look attractive. In fact, anything that can make you look the best is welcome but that does not mean you should spend unnecessarily when there are simple ways to achieve this result. Instead of thinking of a plastic surgery or a more complex procedure, it would be best to consider the simpler ones first and that includes using rice flour mask. This will help you more because it has no side effects.

This product is also good for preventing the side effects of UV rays. This is possible because it has ferulic acid and allantoin. These chemicals are good for protecting the skin from the harsh effects of the sun. It will prevent the skin from swelling so that you would look like a child.

If you have tried every over-the-counter medication for those dark circles and you are yet to do same with the rice flour, you are encouraged to do that soon. This commodity looks cheap but it can save you several hundreds of dollars from cosmetics alone. You would need to mix it with banana and castor oil to benefit fully from it.

It also works so well in exfoliating the skin. This happens because of the coarse nature of rice. When mixed with a combination of sugar, honey, and chocolate, your skin will never remain the same again. People will start asking you what the secret is.

Some fair people become dark over time because they don't know how to maintain their complexion. On the other hand, some people, in a bid to become fairer go for all sorts of cosmetics that end up bleaching their skin. To get that natural fairness that will make people talking about you, the rice product is enough. Just add some honey to it and you are good to go. There are no side effects to this and your skin will even appear healthier.

Using deodorants and perfumes to avoid body odor is good but there is something much better than it. That thing is the rice flour which is a natural product. Being natural, it does not cause darkening of the armpit. Besides, having no odor of its own is an advantage for people who dislike perfumes.

The flour only works when it is original. There are only a few original ones out there so the only stress you would have is locating them. Their application is not difficult so you can start expecting results soon. It is something to think about when you want pimples and dark spots to vanish in no time provided you have got some cucumber and lemon juice to mix with it. If your need is to make your skin smooth, you also have a solution with it.

For those who have female friends or wives or girl children at home, you can buy this as a gift for them. They will always remember you when they apply the product on their hair in a solution of fuller's earth. After thirty minutes, the hair should be washed with cold water to make it straighten and appear like a starched cloth.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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