By Laura Sanders

The economy of nations and that of the whole world is driven by businesses. These are profit ventures encompassing various sectors. Corporations, companies, and other business venture are organized with the aim of making profits. They provide employment opportunities to the populace and contribute much to the government treasury. As with any economic activity, there are inherent risks the executives have to contend with. These dangers can be mitigated by employing Business risk assessment service.

Not knowing the dangers that a company has to contend with can result in bankruptcy. Most companies that fall victim to this are often unaware of factors that contribute to it. Directors, executives, and managers lose their elevated positions as a consequence for being lax and not planning for unpredictable events. When companies close shop it adversely affects the economy.

Anticipating and preparing for possible financial drawbacks is the primary goal of risk assessment. Experienced practitioners zero in on whether a failure is random or if several factors contributed to it. Danger lurks when top management is ignorant about the negative impact if the thing goes wrong. Careful study is needed to forecast events that can happen. Below are some important things that executives often fail to recognize.

Monetary availability. Some enterprise owners are just not keen on whether there is enough money to sustain operations. Employers who are great big spenders and who are oblivious of the financial capability of a firm. Board members and director readily approve large salaries and bonuses for themselves, without even looking at the return of investments that will keep them afloat.

Another is whether it is viable to launch a new product. Executives who are too eager to prove themselves sometimes lose sight of real situations. This is true in cases when a corporate officer has a pet project and is fixated in its completion and launch. This is a common occurrence especially when the person is gifted with a golden tongue and can convince stakeholder of the viability of his or her pet project on to result in abject failure.

Abject disregard and total negligence for the capability of a competitor who has more than adequate financial clout can kill a business. Relaxing behind the elegant desk and being ignorant of the moves of a competitor is not a good thing to do. Modern experiences have shown how established and well known companies have folded up mainly because of this complacency.

Not knowing the playing field is another factor. Market penetration is a very important business aspect. A market with too many players reduces the chance of a successful venture. Market dominance can only be achieved with sound and aggressive strategy backed up by solid financial resources and managed by result driven employees and management. It is a recipe for success.

New emerging economies and how it reacts to new products and processes. Businessmen should look beyond borders and take cognizance of present challenges that emanate from new emerging markets. This is why we see large corporations transplant factories to other nations that offer privileges and even subsidies. Taking into consideration a good solid infrastructure is present and labor is cheap, it makes sense to go cross border.

Industrialists and other giants of commerce and trade should take a thing from a global point of view. Contingency measure has to be in place in anticipation of an economic collapse. Natural disasters, political challenges, trade wars are all events that can initiate a national crisis. Relations with other nations when not kept cordial can sour relationships that may impact the economy adversely.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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