By Jeffrey Ellis

Sleep specialists say that insomnia is a very common type of sleep disorder. It is defined as having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. While there are many sleeping pills available for the problem, a lot of people are wary of taking them. It's for the fact that these pharmaceutical solutions tend to come with a bunch of unfavorable side effects. Luckily, there are so many all natural remedies available for insomnia. One of the most effective is heading to a Glenview spa on a regular basis in order to receive a full body massage. Below are some of the complications of insomnia that can be avoided with the help of this solution.

Reduced immunity. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause the weakening of the immune system. This causes the body to be practically defenseless against attacking microbes. Having a weakened immune system can increase a person's risk of suffering from all kinds of upper respiratory tract infections.

Poor concentration and memory. Every single day, busy and hardworking individuals most especially need to count on their brain power. It's for this reason exactly why they should see to it that they obtain plenty of restorative sleep each night. Without enough sleep, focusing can become extremely challenging and one's memory can become dull.

Extreme mood changes. It's not unlikely for a sufferer of insomnia to become an irritable being. Such can be blamed on the fact that hormonal imbalance stemming from lack of sleep can have a negative effect on one's mood. Because no one likes the company of someone who is mood, a sleep deprived person may be shunned by family, friends and office mates.

Anxiety and depression. There are many different things that can cause anxiety and depression to come into being. According to mental health professionals, insomnia is one of those. Since anxiety and depression can also keep a person from catching enough shut eye, the problem can easily become self perpetuating.

Pimples, acne and a lifeless complexion. If you're a beauty conscious person, make sure that you obtain plenty of rejuvenating sleep nightly. Otherwise, you may end up with pesky zits and acne. If you already have these skin issues, you may encounter aggravation of those because of insomnia. It's also very much possible for you skin to become lifeless as well as oily, which is something that can cause all kinds of cosmetic problems to show up.

High blood pressure. According to doctors, heart disease is the leading cause of deaths worldwide. There are many things that can increase an individual's risk of suffering from such terrible medical condition, and having high blood pressure is one of them. It's important to note that one of the more serious complications of insomnia is high blood pressure.

Elevated blood glucose levels. It's not just the blood pressure that may increase as a result of insomnia, but also glucose or sugar in the bloodstream. This is considered by health authorities as something that can increase diabetes risk. Someone who is diagnosed with diabetes has no choice but to manage the disease for as long as he or she lives as there's no known cure for it.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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