By Diane Robinson

Auditors assist organizations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. They look at the processes within an organization to ascertain compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. In this modern age of technology, organizations use digital applications to manage their processes. Auditors check that they comply with the applicable laws. They impose fines and penalties when non-compliance is identified. You can save yourself from the troubles when you have in place plans for software license position Chicago. You will get many advantages when you secure this position.

The productivity will generally improve within the organization. System applications improve functions and they are updated for better output. When licenses expire or change and the organization is not aware, they may be forced to stop operating. In effect, this interrupts processes and projects may stall or delay. There are costs associated with delays on projects.

Good license management practices will keep you posted on how licenses within the organization are being used. It is not just enough to know what licenses you have. You also need to know which ones are in use and whether they are being used as required. This in effect reduces risks and optimizes certificate use as well as system usage.

Understanding your system certificate position keeps you safe from the troubles of under or over licensing. There are many companies that are operating software without a certificate. Sometimes they do that because they fail to recognize the risks involved with operating without proper authority. When audits are done, they find themselves on the wrong side of the law. The fines and penalties involved are not worth it. You can avoid them when you know your software spend and you try to optimize the same.

The many benefits of software asset management will only be realized when the respective licenses are also well managed. These two functions should be managed by one team for visibility. You cannot run away from the compliance audit. It is thorough and will reveal any gaps that you may have on licenses. It is best that you are on top of information and well prepared at all times.

To prepare for the inevitable compliance audit, you need to begin by running your own audit. With an able team, you should check all the applications you have, the licenses in place, the gaps available and action as appropriate. This process should be continuous as you can never tell when gaps will come up especially as you continue using the software.

It is an opportunity to save money. Economic times are hard and every slight opportunity to save should be well utilized. There is no point paying for licenses that are not being used. An organization will only know which licenses are not in use when they have a good management system in place.

You can achieve all of the above and even more when you comply with the application licensing requirements. Just understand your position and try to get the best from what you have. This good standing will also protect the image of your organization and make you more efficient and effective.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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