By Patrick Edwards

There are a variety of therapists that can help people in different ways. Some folk will take advantage by simply talking to a professional person. Other people will make use of a supportive community. There are also people who find that specialized types of therapists can do a lot for them. An example of this is an EMDR therapist San Francisco.

It is a practical method, but the person will also be dealing with their emotions and feelings at the same time. This helps them to discover more about what is really bothering. It is essential to know more about your underlying feelings because this is what is causing the stress, anxiety, depression and all the other emotions which go along with the disorder.

A therapist needs to work in a more practical way because there are some people who are not able to express themselves. This is actually very common. In the past trauma and PTSD was related to soldiers who came back from the battlefield. However, it is more common these days. People are able to face these fears and become more vulnerable.

The therapist will know how long they are able to stay in the moment where they begin to remember certain parts of the trauma. As soon as the patient shows signs where they are becoming distressed, they will be diverted elsewhere. A person with PTSD will definitely be helped with this type of method.

It is also better than talking about what is bothering you because you doing this in short spurts. This happens by following eye movements of the therapist. They are trained to know which direction to move their eyes and how fast they should be doing this. By moving the eyes, the patient is only remembering memories for some time before moving out of the scene.

However, this technique has been proven to be more successful because once the patient is beginning to react in a negative manner, they are soon taken out of this state. The therapist will notice this and the eye movement will draw them out of the memory and the trauma which they are experiencing.

Many people enjoy the fact that this treatment is fast. It is not like talk therapy where one will deal with their emotions and feelings on an ongoing basis. It can be slow and often very drawn out. One can never be sure whether this is actually going to be successful. EMDR, on the other hand is split into phases and the treatment will last a couple of sessions.

They may be asked to focus on a memory or something negative, such as an image. After this they will be guided with eye movements that will stimulate the memories and certain thoughts to come to mind. It is one way of coming to terms with the underlying feelings which are very effective. Often, you will have to repeat what you have just been doing after closing your eyes and trying to forget what you have completed in the last task.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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