By Margaret Cole

You might be surprised to learn that digitizing yearbooks is a very common activity today. There are many reasons for this. If you want to learn more about yearbook digitization try checking out some of the tips outlined here.

It is not hard to understand why so many shoppers are keen to learn about ways to turn yearbooks and school publications into digital formats. In fact the very structure of this publication has changed over the years to be more integrated with digital technology. Today some publishers are even creating digital versions in order that they can be easily shared via computer.

For example some yearbook photos are created so that they may be sent by e-mail or shared with family and friends online. This helps the publisher because it is less expensive to produce than in book format. Many people are also interested in sharing their old year books this way.

Certainly being able to relive old memories amongst friends is part of their appeal. Thus it is easy to see why a lot of people want to be able to share photos and text from yearbooks via social media and similar networks. It is hardly surprising that there is a strong demand for digitizing school and college publications today.

Of course this technology is not only used for yearbooks but for many other types of books for which there is a demand for them to be shared digitally. The demand for this type of technology has meant that it has developed very quickly. In simple terms that usually means scanning every page of the book or text and translating it into a image file which can be transferred on a computer.

Because of the strong demand there are lots of different companies which are providing help with the service. There are some that are geared for business owners with large jobs as well as examples that cater to the lay person who might only want a single publication digitized. Usually this requires that you send the yearbook or other publication to the company. It is sent back to you and you also receive it in digital format either by email or a secure server.

Because the end result is easy and cheap to share via a computer, it allows the companies that provide the service a chance to cater to clients across the country. In fact it is not uncommon for many college and university websites to have archives featuring college newspapers and other publications produced on campus. Because they have been recreated in digital format readers can easily access them.

If you are limited in terms of budget you might want to try a do it yourself approach. You might be able to scan some elements of your yearbook and convert them to computer files. Make sure that you have the appropriate permissions and copyrights to do so. Many printers today come with scanners that make this project very simple. For further tips on the topic above try checking out some of the monthly magazines that focus on computer technology. They often provide guides that outline the steps involved. As well you can find many blogs and websites online that provide guidance. Today the opportunity to digitize printed publications is very accessible to shoppers as well as business owners across the country and beyond.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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