By Charles Wright

In almost all business entities, you will find departments that are tasked is spearheading a given role. This article is about collective intelligence and how it can be integrated into the system to come up with the best risk management plan. If you have been wondering how this can happen then this piece is for you to read so that you can get information. Sometimes the management gets it wrong when they try to address issues that have already happened other than trying to ensure that nothing of the similar kind occurs in future.

The analysis here will be about the type of intelligence that such administrators need so that they can effectively conduct their work. The first type has to do with the organization where data on processes structure, cultures and technology is conveyed. Such data will be sourced from people at a higher level than they are in the company by conducting interviews and taking a look at some of the procedures of operation that are used.

Another kind that is worth mentioning is the one that deals with commerce and hence addressing factors that are mostly external. It will touch on other firms that are competing with the business, the suppliers and the loyal clients to the industry. Collecting this data means you will need to talk to most of them in person so that they can address some of the vital issues that must be tackled.

Another aspect will have to do with the technical bit, and this deals with how operations take place at the firm on a daily basis. All the methods used will be scrutinized to ensure that everything that happens is in line with the various stipulations of the law. If such information is taken to the individuals that are running the entity, then they will be in a better position to make decisions that are informed.

It works well if all stakeholders and the ones running an entity can be able to work together towards a common goal. Most of the team members will put their suggestions and concerns on the internet. The issues are generally discussed with other members every time that they meet so that solutions can be suggested and even ways in which to mitigate the threat.

In such an approach, people do not have to necessarily be undertaken through training for them to be ready to make suggestions on the way forward. In whatever capacity that one is, they will be called upon to have an opinion on some issue. That implies that everything including the cost incurred by the company and time is saved.

As much as there is whistle-blowing in many industries, that does not imply it is the best way to go because of the adverse effects that it has. In such circumstances, employees are given the freedom to make their choices and also address everything without having to fear that they will be reprimanded.

It is the approach that will fulfill all the psychological needs that an employee has to make them feel content at work. It is all about making the employees feel wanted and part of the business when they are consulted on critical issues.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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