By William Ward

The thing about the modern world is that it did not come about by magic. No, it came about through hard work and innovation. Humankind used to walk around the earth sans shoes. But now, people do not even have to walk at all. There are vehicles of all sizes in the modern day, the kind that make it unnecessary to put one foot in front of the other. But mobility is not the only aspect where humanity made great leaps and bounds forward. No, there it also information. It used to be that information was passed orally. Now, it can be passed in a full virtualized IT environment.

IT stands for information technology. It is the infrastructure that runs the world, basically. Emails, video streaming, and the internet connection in general fall under its purview.

Information technology has applications that can be used in the real world. For example, emails. In the old days, to send a message, a person had to write a letter, and then send that letter to the intended recipient, and then wait for a response. Nowadays, however, a person can just write an email, hit send, and then wait for the recipient to respond.

Now, virtualization means creating a whole new environment. It does not simulate environments nor does it emulate them. Instead, it creates whole new ones from scratch, brand new worlds made of nothing but ones and zeroes. In short, it is running more than one system on a single computer at the same time.

Now, virtualization has quite a number of applications. The most common example is probably the virtual desktop. In a computer, the desktop is the opening screen, the first thing seen when it is turned on. It will often have multiple icons, each of which will represent programs, folders full of files, or files themselves, but a desktop is limited to a single computer. A virtual desktop is just like that, but it can be accessed anywhere with the right security credentials, which means that programs and files can be used on many computers.

Whenever a product is developed and marketed, a lot of money is sunk into it. First of all, just developing it is going cost a lot of money. Marketing it to clients is also going to come at a cost. Given all that, clients need to realize that the products they are buying will cost significantly more than nothing.

Any and all goods and services purchased by a consumer should work properly. As such, it is important that any kind of software that is bought, especially for any sort of business enterprise, can be relied upon to work when needed.

The main drawback of all technologies is human error. Human error is what compromises security. Access to a virtual desktop can be done on almost any computer, and anyone with the password or a security token can then gain entry into the system and the sensitive information on it.

The thing about the modern world is convenience. People do not want to wait for things, not if they do not have to. Which is why there have been many innovations since the wheel.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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