By Patricia Taylor

As the name suggests, these are animals that can survive even in the drought. This breed of cattle was developed by several cattle men in queens land. The animals are mainly kept for the purposes of meat production. The livestock are mainly red in color with a short coat. The red color goes a long way in preventing eye cancer and sunburnt udders. Below are more characteristics of Droughtmaster cattle.

For most cow breeds, calving is not very easy. This, however, is not the case with Droughtmaster cows. They are known for their ease of calving. This is why even farmers are dry areas keep them as they do not pose any risks. The cow and calf will always be well as long as they are sufficiently fed. The farmer does not spend money for a veterinarian when the cow is due.

These cattle have humps and for those in the dry areas, that is where they store their food supply. They also do not require a lot of nutritious substances. Whether they have nutritious food or not, their meet is still of very high quality. This makes them way more profitable than other breeds raised for the provision of meat. That is one of the reasons most beef farmers go for this particular breed.

No one ever wants to spend all of their money on sick cows. Cattle fall ill mainly from being attacked by parasites. Droughtmasters are resistant to parasites and therefore they rarely fall sick. This is a good thing especially because it may be very difficult to locate a veterinarian in the dry areas. This good state of health is also a promise of high-quality beef.

It is obvious that they can be able to withstand a lot of heat. U-V sunrays are known for their cancer-causing abilities but these herds are well protected. Despite them being exposed to the sun a huge part of the day, their red color somehow protects them from cancer. Their coat is also fairly short to avoid accumulation of heat and causing discomfort.

They are able to easily adapt to the environment. Just because they are mainly found in the dry areas does not mean that they cannot be found in green places. This makes them even more marketable because whatever the whether they meet, they can be able to survive it. Those in greener areas, however, may never get the chance to use their humps and they may disappear.

They are very fertile. This means that you are unlikely to use a lot of money for their insemination. The process may actually work on the first try. Apart from that, it is an assurance that with time you will have a large heard which means more business. You can supply the livestock even across the country and make a lot more profit.

The livestock are docile, therefore cause minimum problems. When they go out to graze, taking them back will be easy and selling the would not be hard as they will not be resistant when given to a stranger.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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