By Helen Patterson

You are reading this article right now for the sole reason that you have just received your new permit for concealed carry, as well as a new firearm of course. So now the next step will be to get a holster of some sort so you can take your gun around with you outside concealed and in comfort. A few of the people you know have suggested a Kydex concealment holster for your need. However, prior to your final decision and purchase do read on in this article for more information.

Kydex is basically the name of the thermoplastic compound. It is now general y used for holster applications as against leather, as it is a bit more durable and lighter as well. Compared to fiberglass, which other holsters are also made out of, it is more flexible and tougher as well. Regardless of what it is going to be made out of, there are some key items you need to look for in a good one.

First thing to look out for is its retention capabilities. Retention is basically how well it keeps or holds on to your firearm. You definitely do not want your gun falling out when you do sudden movements such as jumping and running. Retention is a major key to a good holster.

Two key items are also important in carry holsters, which is the cant and the riding height. The cant is the angle by which the gun will be sitting inside while it is carried, and it will affect how fast one can draw the weapon. The riding height means how high the gun can be carried while it is in the carriage. Both of these characteristics should be adjustable in the one you have in mind.

Getting a molded one should be much more practical than buying just a general fit one. A molded one is much safer for it will prevent accidental firing as caused by non molded ones, especially if one is fond of carrying loaded chambers. Molded ones can easily be found made out of Kydex and available for a wide range of handgun models.

Comfort is also key to having a concealment holster. In fact, the more comfortable it is the likelier you are to carry it on a regular basis. One that is comfortable for one person is not always comfortable for another. Do not buy one for looks alone or basic functionality, do buy one also for comfort. With all the different ones out there you will get one sooner or later, all you need to do is to keep looking.

Consider carefully also quality and craftsmanship of the thing that you will buy. These are very important attributes in terms of buying something as it will ensure that it will last and not break at the most inopportune moment. Get something that will last and something that you can actually pass down to the next generation.

And as a final piece of advice, it may be good to get one that is fully customized to your needs. A customized one will answer all the attributes necessary in a good holster and thus will save you time in searching for one in the market.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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