By Carolyn Allen

Backache has earned its place as a worldwide problem affecting men and women alike. The condition is among the leading causes of absenteeism from school and work. Despite its being commonplace, underestimating this condition can result in significant morbidity. The back should be given due care because of the sensitive structures found within it. Here are some key principles regarding back pain Long Island patients may wish to keep in mind.

Pain can occur anywhere along the stretch of your spine although lower spine is much more common than upper region. This is because the lower part is the one that tends to bear more weight and is therefore more susceptible to stress. People who sit for long hours in the office, without a doubt, would more likely be vulnerable to this symptom. In addition, such people tend to have an insidious and chronic kind of presentation.

In isolated cases, patients present with discomfort of sudden onset and increasing in severity within a short span of time. This is usually the case in gunshot injuries and motor vehicle accidents involving the back. In such incidents, the spinal cord should be protected from potential or further injury. Weakness of lower extremities and incontinence are among the clues to cord injury.

It should be noted that this problem can present secondary to an illness found elsewhere in the body. For this reason, it is important that a thorough evaluation of your entire body be done to rule out any underlying condition. For instance, one may have an infection in their lungs, heart or even the urinary system and present with concurrent backache as a complication.

In most cases, the condition is usually the result of chronic physical stress or muscle sprain. However, backache can occasionally lead to a diagnosis of infection or even cancer of the spine. For this reason, your doctor will look out for things that could point to a cause other than just a mere sprain. These pointers are commonly known as red flags. Some of them include weight loss, fatigue, night sweats and fever.

The management of this problem aims at relieving the discomfort and ultimately addressing the root cause. Symptomatic relief is achieved by analgesics, physiotherapy and adequate bed rest. Infections should be recognized early and treated with appropriate antibiotics. Surgical management is preserved for suspected spinal cord compression and severe discomfort uncontrolled by conservative methods.

Chronic backache negatively affects the performance of patients at home, work and on social occasions. In addition, some of the drugs used not only have systemic side effects but can also lead to dependence not to mention the psychological stress that comes with this stubborn condition. Such adverse effects can be minimized through making the right choice of drugs and only using them when appropriate. Counselling also comes in handy at this point in time.

In conclusion, back pain is a condition that cannot be under estimated. As such, individuals should focus more on prevention rather than cure. Adopting appropriate sitting postures go a long way in preventing the problem and controlling symptoms if it has already set in.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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