By Roger Evans

Mastering the art of speaking English fluently can be difficult. If you are new to the United States, this is a skill you will have to conquer if you intend to get a job with a good future. It usually isn't enough to read and write the language. That won't help you when you sit down for an interview with human resources personnel. You can increase your fluency, and employment opportunities, by following a few steps to improve your English speaking skills.

Those who can already read the language have an advantage. One great way to improve your communication skill is by reading out loud. If you have children, you can read to them, which will give you some good practice. It will have the added bonus of you and your children spending quality time together. When you're choosing books to read, try to find ones with lots of conversational dialog.

You could learn a lot by listening to broadcasters on podcasts and the television news. You might not understand it all, but you can get some good pointers. Newscasters talk for a living. They have been trained to enunciate and use proper grammar. Most of them had professors who taught they how to speak without any regional accents. Instead they are trained to develop a generic speech pattern.

You should never be afraid to join in a conversation with native Americans. Most people are friendly and obliging, especially when they understand you are trying to improve yourself. You could enroll in language classes to get formal instruction. You might also take classes in subjects you enjoy like cooking or painting.

In order to learn how to pronounce certain words correctly, you may have to look at the way a person's mouth is formed when they say it. Instead of staring at someone's mouth though, you might want to explain why you are so interested. When you are alone, you can mimic the shape of the person's mouth and see what happens when you say the word.

This language is not as straightforward as some others. It's a mix of German, French, and Latin, and can be confusing to someone who didn't grow up around it. A Phonetic alphabet can be a great resource. This alphabet uses symbols that match with sounds. It is especially helpful when you have to figure out how to pronounce words that are spelled similarly, but pronounced completely differently.

Learning to speak this language is not going to happen overnight. It takes a lot of effort and practice. While you are learning, you should take advantage of the friends and acquaintances you meet along the way. You will probably be getting used to new customs at the same time you are studying the language.

Learning the language is the first step in becoming a true member of a country's society. America has a lot to offer. Those who work hard and are willing to do what it takes will make successes of themselves.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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