By Haywood Hunter

Using dark self tanner to get that sun kissed look has become the norm for many people with light skin. There are a number of reputable firms that produce an array of dark self tanner products and continue to attract new clientele every day. Their products are simple to use and offer the kind of results many find hard to achieve by lying on a tanning bed or under the sunlight.

Using dark self tanner enables you to achieve the equivalent of many hours sunbathing into less than an hour. Most of the dark self tanner products found in stores are fast acting and only require the user to shower, exfoliate and moisturize before applying the tanning lotion. The color adheres to the skin quickly allowing the person to wash the residue shortly afterwards.

Another benefit has to be the privacy granted. Many people do not feel comfortable lying in the sun in revealing bathing suits, but they do envy other men and women who manage to attain a lovely bronze shade. With dark self tanner, all the work needed to achieve the same look can be achieved within the privacy of one's own home.

The health benefit of using dark self tanner products is the most vital aspect. When people sunbathe, they get to enjoy the heat of the sun's rays at a very steep cost. The ultra violet rays that shine down on human skin have been responsible for many people developing skin cancer. People, who have been careless enough, or simply ignorant, have spent many hours under the hot sun without lathering up with some sunscreen. This has increased their risk of developing this condition.

With dark self tanner, a person is not in any danger of suffering skin cancer. In fact it has been recommended by many experts as the best alternative to sunbathing. Most of the biggest sellers of the product have for many years had FDA approval, helping to reassure the public that the ingredients used are safe.

The application of dark self tanner is done directly on to the skin. This means the effect takes place on the outer epidermis on a layer made up of dead skin cells. This ensures that the effect of the color change is only temporary. The user can opt to allow the product to simply wear off with time, or reapply the lotion to maintain appearances. Most lotions retain their effect for at least a week before they start fading and the skin cells fall off or get washed away.

With the large number of dark self tanner products available in the market, there is something for everyone. Even if you want to look bronzed the entire year, there are many moderately priced products available and great deals on bulk purchases bought online. It is an expense most people can afford to accommodate in their budget.

The newest fad in this industry has to be the introduction of skin tanning pills. These pills are a risky option as they work on creating a tan by having a person ingest the coloring agent. Experts have warned that too many pills being ingested can result in liver damage and adverse skin reactions. Dark self tanner is the safest and most cost effective means of getting tan.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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