By Joyce Martin

Hats are head coverings worn for various reasons such as protection against elements, ceremonial or religious reasons, safety or as fashion accessories. They could also help in identifying the profession or rank of a particular person and may serve other functions as well. But there are those that are worn to represent a cause, brand or a city.

The front of the caps have a design that shows what they represent that could be identified and seen by most people easily. One of the examples are the Portland hats which show the pride of people living at Portland, Oregon. The following are some guides in wearing caps, hats and others in various situations you may possibly be in.

Choose one that fits the weather or season basing on the materials used in them and their main colors. Heavier ones or darker colors are better during colder seasons and lighter ones are better at warmer seasons. This is because darker colors absorb heat more and could make your head feel hot resulting to headaches.

They come in various sizes so selecting one that fits right would make the difference regarding your appearance. When you buy in a physical shop, try them out to find the right size while measure your head circumference if you buy online. They should feel secure without feeling tight and one which is too big might be blown off with the wind.

Consider the length and style of your hair when choosing which one to wear as this would affect if the cap suits you or not. You may wear one with your hair down or in a loose braid specially for those who have longer hair. This vary with every person though so experiment to know which one suits you best.

When you are purchasing one cap only, choose one that is neutral color so it can easily go along with almost any clothes. Black is the most popular as well as the most classic neutral color but others like camel, tan and gray are great choices too. Although when purchasing more than one cap then you could have multiple colors for multiple options.

Make sure your attire goes along with your hat well according to the style and color that they all have. They do not have to be an exact match but they must be able to complement each other well to look good on you. The safest choices are the neutral colors in casual wear but they are not always an option so learn how to mix and match them.

How you also wear it affects your look overall and how it complements your entire clothes as well. The angle you are tilting it or where the stiff peak is facing are the main things you must consider when wearing. There are a lot of option and combinations so experiment until you find which suits the outfit better.

They would also get dirty over time just like any other article of clothing so you must be knowledgeable in ways of cleaning them. There are many ways to do it depending on the brand and materials they are made of. Be careful when washing them so their quality will not deteriorate.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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