By Peter Richardson

Being put down, told that you are worthless, no good or useless can have a massive effect on your self esteem, confidence, self worth and the way you live your life. Sometimes it happens to a child. Other times, women are affected when her husband continues to abuse her. It can happen when someone is intoxicated. However, this is obviously no excuse. Emotional abuse counseling Seattle can be hugely helpful.

It is necessary to have someone specialized to deal with this type of abuse because it is not physical, but it can affect you deeply. It especially plays a part when you have been emotionally abused as a child. This can leave you with many unhappy memories. The child will have been through a lot of trauma. They would have been put down, and they sometimes go through the same sort of relationships in their adult lives.

As they grow up, they will not only have to deal with confidence issues, they will also have problems with relationships and often turn to drugs and alcohol. This may come as a form of comfort. Many adults who have been abused in the past will suffer from depression and anxiety.

Some adults will become depressed and anxious. Many people are not aware of this because they would have blocked it out of their life. They may go to therapy because they find themselves under stress in the work situation. However, when they continue with their sessions, they may find that certain repressed memories come to the surface.

However, there are many organizations that are extremely safe and will protect you from this type of abusive situation. It can sometimes happen that an abusive husband will bring this on when he has had too much to drink. Women often excuse this. However, this is no reason to stay in the relationship. It will only bring you down.

There are various types of abuse. Sometimes this can be rectified with intense therapy in Seattle, WA. Often, the abuser, will have a temper. They may be stressed and will let their steam off. They will need therapy themselves in order to stop doing more damage. Anger management courses are available. However, sometimes the problem has gone too far, and the victim needs to get away.

Some psychologists in Seattle, WA will refer someone like this to a cognitive behavior therapist. For instance, when an adult has been abused as a child, they will have a low self esteem. This type of a therapist helps the patient to become more positive and raise their confidence levels. Of course it can take time, but the therapist will have various methods which help the patient to move forward in life.

There are many different organizations in Seattle, WA that can help kids, women and families who are in distress. There are private psychologists who help people who have been affected in the past. There are free services available where you can be anonymous and you don't have to worry about anyone else. This is obviously a huge advantage.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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