By Marie Wilson

Body butters are simply awesome. These skin moisturizers are thicker than lotions. These modern cosmetic items are made with a number of different ingredients.They nourish the skin leaving it feeling soft and healthy and improve complexion as well. But unfortunately some of them are not as good for the body as manufacturers would want consumers to believe. This has given rise to a situation in which consumers are often searching for a paraben free body butter.

One of the dangerous ingredients that is found in some body butters is parabens. They are typically used to preserve cosmetics. Preservation is, of course an important factor as it helps to extend the product's shelf life and by extension makes the production of cosmetics feasible. But they are also associated with diseases including cancer.

Even though it is true that many cosmetic items such as body butters have become tainted by parabens, it is possible for the discerning shopper to find the butter that are wholesome and healthy. Shoppers need to arm themselves with the necessary knowledge that will allow them to identify the healthy cosmetic items. This is the primary step in ensuring that health is not sacrificed in the pursuit of beauty.

It is important to read the ingredients list on these and other products at purchase. Consumers should be on the lookout for words that may not draw attention as harmful but in reality are dangerous. Parabens typically reveal themselves as the ending part of their names usually include the word paraben. Sometimes though, the name written in the ingredients list can be misleading as an alternate name is sued. Consumers should avoid being fooled by learning these alternative names.

When consumers read the ingredients list of the cosmetic items they plan to buy, they need to look specifically for healthy substances. Shea butter and castor oil are among the ingredients that consumers should look for. They should also pay close attention to the processes used by the manufacturers. Cosmetics that have undergone extended processing are less nourishing for the skin than those that haven't.

Some people can make their own butters. This is one of the most reliable ways of ensuring that parabens remain out of cosmetics. Recipes for the making of these and other cosmetics can be found online. The good thing about home made cosmetics is that the user has total control over what goes into the mixture. They do usually not last very long though and so they must be used up after being made or stored in a refrigerator for short term preservation.

Health conscious cosmetic buyers can also focus their shopping efforts towards nature based companies. These companies have proven track records for the provision of healthy cosmetics. Health focused consumer and consumer protection websites often post lists of the companies with a good reputation for providing healthy products for consumers. Due diligence will still be required when buying products produced by these companies however, a lot less effort will be required as it is unlikely that they will release unsafe or dubious products on the market.

In a world that has been saturated by technicality, consumers of cosmetic items must remain vigilant. They cannot allow the pursuit of beauty to lead to a sacrifice of health. This means taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge that exists and ensuring that they use this knowledge to keep harmful substances away from their bodies.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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