By Maria Moore

Make up is designed to make you look better. Women from all over the world use it daily. It is used to work, for special events and occasions. Basically you decide when you want to use it as there are no hard and fast rules. Make comes in various forms from the make up used to give your skin a flawless appearance, to the lipstick and eye shadow used to light up your face. However, the one type of make up that finishes off the look is the liquid eyeliner pen.

This pen is used to create definition around the eyes. It is used to end off your eye make up and makes your eyes stand out on your face. It is a great tool when it comes to shaping the face and making it look done. Most women wear make up as a normal part of their daily fashion and beauty regime, however some choose not to.

Make up such as the eye line is used to give the eyes more definition. You can use any kind or color of eye shadow that you like, but ultimately you need to finish off the look with a black pencil or liner to seal the look. Giving the eyes more definition also shapes the face.

You can find them in many retail outlets and buy them from beauty shops too. Women love to wear make up and will usually look for any reason to do so, however, it is justified when you are attending a party, night out or any other function that requires you to dress up.

Some women only start wearing it in their adult lives. However, recently teenagers are starting to wear it too as the world is progressing in a faster paced way and parents are becoming more lenient with their children. However, you must feel comfortable in it and comfortable enough to walk out of the door with confidence.

Make up is more than just colors and textures applied to a face to make it look lice. It is a means to make a statement, which of course is a fashion statement. Aside from this make up has been used for years to make women look attractive and also feel better about themselves. So its safe to say that a superficial material item like make up can really add value to a womans life.

Make is priced differently as the different target markets must be aimed at. However, cheap make up is not necessarily bad for you and expensive make up is not necessarily good for you. It is up to you to use your discretion and check the ingredients on the label to make sure that you are not allergic to anything that it may contain and so on.

If you have always been intrigued by make up, you should go ahead and try some. It will make you feel much more attractive and beautiful than you already are. Experiment with different colors and so on until you find that color that suites you just right. You should also learn how to use colors that compliment your skin tone.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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