By Stephen Thomas

It goes without saying that technology is an important contributor to efficiency in the day to day running of organizations in all sectors. With the different communication needs in organizations, computer and phone networks must be available when needed by users. However, this is easier said than done, especially when tasked with managing a large networked environment. The train that systems have to go through on a daily basis is huge. To counter this, organizations require systems that can also perform network bandwidth monitoring.

Traffic analysis is of the essence if networks are to stay available all the time. While many large companies monitor their networks through expensively set up network operations centers, others lack the finances to do so. However, the beauty of technology is that it offers alternative ways of doing things even when nothing seems possible. These days, it is pretty easy to get a useful traffic analysis tool online. Such tools eliminate the need for hiring additional IT experts.

The real advantage of internet penetration is the availability of free software. There are many software developers who create useful programs and offer them for free to those interested via the internet. All you need to do is ensure you have a team that is competent enough to go through the data obtained from traffic analysis software and take steps to ensure everything is in order when necessary.

There are several benefits of maintaining close watch over your bandwidth. For starters, it is an inexpensive way to isolate the main activities that consume lots of data in your company. Most traffic analysis applications have the ability to identify machines and ports that pass heavy data. With such crucial information readily available, it should be easy to establish whether or not to do away with such traffic. Depending on how competent your IT personnel are, unnecessary traffic can be blocked from being accessed by users.

In addition, a network will always be secure when there is a strong desire to monitor it. If you notice a great deal of traffic go through a specific port for instance, you should investigate the possibility of a current cyber attack. You should therefore take preventive measures to safeguard company data.

Modern applications allow users to tell the exact amount of traffic passing through ports. To make work easier, ports are categorized depending on the type of data that passes through them. Data can be voice, text or video related. Video data is known to be the biggest consumer of resources.

Traffic analysis is also important when giving service providers billing information. When charging clients, service providers tend to ask for proof of usage. It is the application in use that can generate the information required. With detailed information available, service providers have the ability to identify potential future problems and curb them before they arise. Furthermore, you can save a lot of money with some little knowledge.

If you know your company has no system set up to monitor traffic, you should think of setting up one. Productivity will be bolstered through more uptime. Ultimately, your growth vision will be attained.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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