By Steven Baker

Sensory processing disorder, SPD, characterized by problems in receiving and responding to stimuli at the brain level. The presentation varies from one individual to another. The most severe form is associated with in-coordination, inability to engage in a conversation and inability to perceive the position of limbs in space. There are a number of things regarding sensory processing disorder treatment Milton Ontario patients need to consider. We will explore a few of them in this article.

The cause of this problem remains obscure. However, some recent studies suggest that there may be a genetic component. In some of the children that have been affected, there is an intrinsic anatomic abnormality in the brain. The brain-stem and the mid-brain have been singled out as the most important parts of the brain with regard to multi-sensory integration. Any problem affecting these regions may result in problems in processing stimuli.

The observant parent will first notice the problem in early childhood. A baby with the condition is typically excessively fussy and as they grow older, they tend to throw tantrums more frequently than the average baby. As they get into adolescence, they will mainly present with frequent bouts of anxiety. It has been observed that SPD never presents in isolation; it is usually associated with other neurological and developmental conditions such as autism.

Either one or several modalities are affected at given time depending on the underlying abnormalities. There are two main ways in which the problem presents. These are either under or over responsiveness. An individual that is under-responsive to stimuli does not react in the presence of an enhanced level of stimuli such as excessive heat or the blast of a siren. The other end of the spectrum is where the individual reacts excessively to a low stimulus level.

There are a number of ways in which the diagnosis can be made. These include, among others, the use of standardized questionnaires, standardized tests and free play observation. The expert responsible for making the definitive diagnosis varies from one country to another. They may be occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and so on. In some centers, all children suspected to have the condition are subjected to a full psychological and neurological exam.

Therapeutic measures need to be individualized since the pattern of presentation is greatly variable. The therapist will choose an environment that stimulates the patient and is well controlled. Fun filled activities have to be incorporated into the program to avoid overwhelming the child. If the child shows some positive improvements in the clinic environment, the same should be transferred to other aspects of their lives such as home and school.

The condition is yet to be recognized as a medical diagnosis which presents a major challenge in instituting therapy. This notwithstanding, occupational therapists continue to provide tremendous help to children that are affected. The therapist should aim at making sure that the inherent abilities of the child are maximized. The patients should be helped to tackle the challenging areas of their lives in a gradual manner.

Several alternative treatments are also said to be quite effective in managing the condition. Acupuncture is one of the most commonly used therapies under this category. However, the effectiveness is yet to be proven scientifically. Another alternative therapy that has been tried with varying success rates is what is referred to as craniofacial manipulation. Others include the use of sound-blocking headphones (in the case of auditory hypersensitivity).

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I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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