By Steven King

There are very many people living with kidney diseases without their knowledge of the matter. The signs and symptoms that come with this can be confused to those of other infections. People might end up ignoring these conditions until their last conditions which are usually very deadly and costly to treat. Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and even old age catalyze your chances of getting this disease. Here are some of the major signs that indicate you need to see a kidney doctor Cleveland immediately.

Check for signs of excess fatigue, less energy and having problems concentrating. An excess decrease in the function of your kidneys leads to accumulation of toxins and various impurities in your blood. That causes one to feel fatigued and distracts one from concentrating. Consider going to a specialist, if you are experiencing the problem.

Seek help if you experience problems in getting asleep. If the kidneys fails to filter the toxins, then the will be unable to leave the body through the urine, but rather they will accumulate in the blood. This can cause you lack of sleep at several moments causing you stress. This problem furthermore has connections with chronic ailments like obesity and chronic kidneys whose major symptoms are sleeping problems.

If you notice dry patches of skin on your body or experience itchiness do not ignore as this could be one of the signs that your kidneys are not performing well. Kidneys perform an essential function in your body of eliminating toxins and extra fluids from the body and also ensure that the blood is clean so that it can transport nutrients all over the body.

Look out for cases of the urge to urinate frequently. At night you might find yourself wanting to urinate at very regular intervals. This can be a sign of kidneys disorder. Once the kidneys start failing, waste will start accumulating in your body increasing the number of times you go for short calls. This can be furthermore a pointer to a defective urinary tract and enlarged prostate for the male gender.

Look out for any traces of blood in your urine. Kidneys control and help during the manufacturing of red blood cells. However, when the organs are in ruin, they will release the red blood cells during when urinating. Hence that is an indication the filters of your kidneys are having problems. Consider visiting a specialist immediately for a checkup.

Do not overlook the possibility of foamy urine. This can be a sign that your urine has a lot of proteins in it. You can find this out by observing where you take your short call daily. This foam may appear in a scrambled egg shape appearing almost the same color of protein in eggs. You should visits a physician immediately to treat this problem.

Look out for swollen feet and ankles. Whenever the kidneys start to fail, they cause sodium retention. The retention of such salts causes the swelling of feet and ankles. Swelling in extreme measure could also be an indication of liver and heart ailments. Hence, see an expert immediately.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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