By Stephen Cole

The heart is a very special and essential organ of the body. Poor functioning of this organ will affect the whole body thus the health of the heart should be highly considered. Many people who experience heart-related diseases have an ancestor with the condition as the diseases are spread through genetics. To help handle the situation a Robotic Assisted Surgery Houston is carried out.

With the new computerized method of operation, there is a reduced scarring of the patient as a result of the procedure as compared to the scarring resulting from the traditional open heart surgeries. Traditionally to carry out the operation, the ribs needed to be open thus the breastbone was cut to allow the surgeons to reach the heart thus resulting in the huge scars.

In the computerized method, the procedure is carried out by making a very small incision between the ribs in a location that will allow easy access to the heart. The small incision will help reduce the amount of blood lost by the patient thus lesser blood transfusions will be required. The small incision will also help reduce the chances of infection.

An added benefit of surgery that is applied using the robots is the reduced range of recovery time. This means that the patient will only take a few days to recover from the operation and have a normally functioning heart to carry out their normal activities. The pain and trauma experienced by the patient after the operation are also said to be less as compared to those of a traditional surgery.

Side effects is a common factor in most surgeries. Most doctors will always try to reduce the level of side effects the patient experiences. By using the computerized means of operation the side effects, the patient will experience highly reduced as there are fewer errors and the surgery is carried out in an efficient manner thus making it safer and with fewer side effects.

The procedure may seem scary, but it offers the surgeon more enhanced capabilities in carrying out the operations. The surgeon can manipulate the working of all instruments using the computer by often using a telemanipulator. During the operation, the surgeon will move their arm as required during operation but the robot arms will be carrying out the procedure ensuring that they reduce risks of errors.

When using the computerized method, the surgeon controls the movement of the robotic arms to carry put the procedure. In this method, the surgeon is not required to be in the same room as the patient to carry out the procedure. This however has not been fully utilized mainly due to the patients who are often scared of the computerized surgery thus the unavailability of the surgeon adds to the fear.

Although the surgery may seem scary as many patients are used to having their doctors around carrying out the procedure themselves, the procedure is recommended for the complex heart surgeries that lead to major consequences for any small errors. Through using the computerized means, there are added benefits that should make you scared of the traditional heart surgeries instead.

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Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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