By Kathleen Bell

Don't assume that spas cannot help shrink your waistline just because they do not have machines for laser contouring or liposuction. Actually, stepping foot inside them regularly can help in the elimination of excess kilos. To know why heading to a day spa Geneva local residents visit can help you slim down, keep on reading.

It's common knowledge that having meals packed with sugar and fat makes the waistline expand uncontrollably. That's because it provides more calories than the body actually requires. Having lots of calories, needless to say, can easily lead to the gaining of unnecessary pounds.

Another reason why unnecessary weight gain happens is lack of exercise. Certainly, a lifestyle that's sedentary can keep an individual from burning calories. Unused ones end up under the skin in the form of fat cells.

In a nutshell, you can blame your massive hips on poor food choices and lack of exercise. Due to these components, you will have a difficult time turning your dream figure into a reality. To be spotted with a slimmer figure, you should switch to healthy types of foods and also get on your feet more often.

Unfortunately, there is something else that can contribute to the problem and not too many people are aware of it. Fitness experts confirm that stress can cause unwanted pounds to show up. Unless stress is addressed properly, a person may find it hard to attain a slimmer figure.

A reason why being stressed can cause excess weight gain is the fact that it can trigger accumulation of fat cells. This is exactly the reason why those who have very stressful lives usually have massive hips. Doctors confirm that stress can encourage fat cells to appear in the midsection so that the many vital organs situated in the area can be protected.

Having high levels of stress hormones is the one to blame for such. Constant elevation of those hormones causes the body to think that the individual is in some form of danger. In order to ensure his or her survival, more fat cells are generated. Such is deemed necessary by the body as fat cells can be used as energy in the future.

Other than stress hormones, the levels of sugar in the blood also increase because of stress. Health authorities say that having increased blood sugar is something that can raise diabetes risk. For individuals who like to have slimmer figures, that's bad news because elevated levels of sugar in the blood can cause a voracious appetite.

This is why you may end up being a stress eater. Each time you are stress eating, you go for fattening foods as they seem to provide you with satisfaction. Due to stress eating, it doesn't come as a surprise why you end up gaining weight.

This is why heading to day spas is a great idea. It's highly recommended most especially for very busy individuals. By dealing with stress, they will find it easier to shed off excess pounds.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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