By Martha Fox

Flu is a common ailment that can cause serious complications which will require hospitalization. Every year, it results in lost working days that accumulate to billions of dollars. This is caused by the absenteeism of the employees when recovering from influenza in their homes. However, this vaccine is not a hundred percent effective in the prevention, but it lowers the chances of getting it drastically. Therefore, it is important for every person to get Mobile AL flu shots once in a year to be safe from this dreaded infection. Below are different benefits that arise from receiving the vaccine jab.

Failure to notice the symptoms associated with flu, the sick person, may realize it when it is too late. The major complications include; dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of chronic diseases. This disease can force you to stay in a hospital for weeks when receiving treatment. However, a vaccinated person cannot get high infections of that magnitude.

The flu has contributed to losses because of the missed working days by the ill employees. This is an economic disadvantage to the individual and the company at large which has a big impact on the economic growth of the country. A vaccinated employee cannot become infected with the virus, and this will ensure that there are no absenteeism cases. The jab takes a few minutes and companies should advise their employees on taking it during the season.

Most of the vaccines offered in health facilities come with age barriers. Influenza vaccination can be administered to any person beyond six months of age. Pregnancy is considered to be sensitive, and women are not given some drugs during that period. However, the vaccine is friendly to them and can be done through intramuscular or by nasal spray for those who have cowardice towards injections.

People panic to go for the vaccine thinking it might have some of the side effects on them. The vaccine has no significant side effect like aggravating allergies, and diarrhea. However, minor effects that last for a few hours are experienced. A headache and sore throat are the common effects. Thus, nobody should fail to undertake the treatment because of medicine reactions that they have had in the past.

The vaccine is readily available in most of the licensed pharmacy stores. The government has allowed these shops to sell and administer the vaccine to the interested parties. Also, it is affordable for every family and can be catered for by your health insurance cover. People who have no insurance covers should not hesitate to visit their local clinics for this important jab.

Vaccines like the Fluzone high dose are specifically meant for older people who have become used to the regular influenza vaccine. These trivalent vaccines consist of four times more antigens when compared to the normal vaccine. However, boosting your immune system is vital to your health and prevents exposure to the infection.

The infection can be transmitted from one person to the other through handshake and other physical contacts. Mobile phones have proved to be sneaky transporters of the dreadful virus because of the regular touches and exposure to the face. The best way to overcome the spreading of influenza is to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

About the Author:


Money Making

I am passionate about educating university students about money and careers, and have been doing so since 2007. I see the same confusion and mistakes being replicated every year. The way I help is through Save the Student. I'm always on the look out for new contributors, so get in touch if you're wanting to get involved! Aside from the site, my main interests are travelling, writing, photography, webdesign, sailing, football and cycling.

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